RTI Cell

Dr. Atul Vyas
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Tel:+91-11-2659 1713 (O)
Email: registrar[at]admin.iitd.ac.in
Dr. Kalyan Kumar Bhattacharjee
First Appellate Authority (FAA)
Joint Registrar
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
RTI Cell:+91-11-2659 7202
Tel:+91-11-2659 1788 (O)
Email: faa[at]admin.iitd.ac.in
Mr Shiv Prakash Yadav,
Public Information Officer (PIO)
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
RTI Cell:+91-11-2659 7202
Email- pio@admin.iitd.ac.in

APO's at IIT Delhi under RTI Act

  1. Head, Training and Placement
  2. Head, Hospital Services
  3. Security Officer
  4. Institute Engineer
  5. Assistant Registrar (Accounts)
  6. Assistant Registrar (Establishment-I, Establishment-II)
  7. Assistant Registrar (Legal)
  8. Joint Registrar (Audit)
  9. Deputy Registrar (Director's Office)
  10. Deputy Registrar (PGS&R)
  11. Deputy Registrar (Store and Purchase)
  12. Assistant Registrar (SAS)
  13. Assistant Registrar (IRD)
  14. Assistant Registrar (Planning)
  15. Deputy Registrar (Publication Unit)
  16. Assistant Registrar (Conference)
  17. Assistant Registrar (Transport)
  18. Assistant Registrar (UGS)
  19. Assistant Registrar (Coordination Section and Health Unit)
  20. Consultancy Committee of key stake holders for advice on Suo-moto disclosure
  21. Earlier CPIO & FAA's from 01.01.2015.
  • Applicants are requested to provide telephone number and email id.
  • Applicants are requested to pay fee of Rs 10/- as prescribe by the act. Fee may be paid in form of Demand Draft/ Pay Order/ IPO drawn in favour of Registrar, IIT Delhi.